In my first article (“The Man as Protector”), I gave a biblical rationale and defense of the man as protector, showing from both the Old and New Testaments that God has designed men with a unique tendentiousness toward protecting, guarding, and defending. In this “Part 2,” I want to give some very practical ways a man can fulfill his calling as a protector of his home and family.
At its most basic level, the man is to protect his own home and family. Your home is your castle, and you have the God-given responsibility of protecting it. One element of this home protection includes protection from natural disasters. If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, forest fires, tornadoes, or hurricanes, you have a duty to prepare for such possibilities. Do you have preventative measures in place? Do you have ways to mitigate damage to your house and equipment? Do you have a storm shelter or evacuation plans in place? Do you have the necessary tools and skills required to restore damaged property? Do you have enough emergency food for at least one month for your family? My recommendation is to purchase a good supply of freeze-dried food, which can have a shelf life of up to 25 years (I recommend Augason Farms as a good value brand [1]). Many people have been caught unawares without clean water or sufficient food and supplies. Don’t be one of those men who overlook this!
But you also need to prepare yourself from intruders, thieves, and those who might want to cause harm to your property or family members. Some ideas include (1) setting up fencing or gates, (2) getting sturdy deadbolts for your doors, (3) posting warning and/or security signs, (4) installing a security system, (5) installing motion-activated lights, (6) having some guard dogs, (7) making sure your equipment isn’t left out for the taking, (8) not announcing to everyone on social media that you’re out-of-town, (9) having trustworthy neighbors keep an eye out for suspicious activity, and (10) owning weapons.
I understand that not everyone will feel comfortable with owning or handling a firearm. And that’s fine. But it’s certainly appropriate, even biblical, for men to own, carry, handle, and use weapons (including knives) for protecting yourself and others (I posted a video on why Christians may rightly bear arms here). If you do choose to own firearms, however, it is necessary to train often and make sure children cannot access them. For this reason, I recommend having a safe that you, and not your children, could easily and quickly access near where you sleep (StopBox USA makes some good quick-access firearm retention devices for this purpose). If there’s a “bump in the night,” you—not your wife or children—need to be the one to address the potential threat. Are you prepared?
Men, you have a responsibility and duty to protect your home and family from potential threats. Your wife and children (if you have them) need to count on you to take the initiative to make sure they are protected. Make a list of the items you need and prepare in advance. Practice using those items and develop a plan. And when you do, you will be a competent and trustworthy protector.
[1] Use the discount code PROVIDEANDPROTECT to save 10% on your first order. Cannot be combined with other discounts. *60-Meal Kit, Christmas Variety Pail, and Bakers Dozen excluded from this offer.
Brian Cosby is senior pastor of Wayside Presbyterian Church on Signal Mountain, TN, adjunct professor at RTS Atlanta, and creator of the Provide & Protect Youtube channel.